Contract award for improving town

A £230,000 contract for work to improve Spalding town centre has been awarded to Lindum Group.

The project works will see new street furniture, new planting schemes and improvements around the town centre.
South Holland District Council agreed to create a budget for improvements to four areas of the public realm in 2023.
Part of the project sees a range of capital works in support of improvements at Hall Place, the riverside and Red Lion Street. The contract also includes remedial and preparatory work supporting the civic society’s MARK-IT Art project planned for New Road.
The contract value is £229,961 and the work is funded by Section 106 money and is due to start in August, and be completed in October this year.
“The desire to see improvements in these four locations was raised through many different parts of the community, including local businesses, residents, local interest groups such as Spalding Town Forum and elected members,” said a report to the council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Development.
Hall Place was identified as having a high level of antisocial behaviour and rotten street furniture.
Double Street and Bridge Street have broken planters as does New Road and Swan Street. Red Lion Street needs new planters and generally enhancing.
The Riverside phase one will see the removal of a brick planter, new benches and a planter with a bench top. It will be supported with a year-round planting scheme.
The design also allows for a puffin crossing if funding and approval is sought in the future.
Lincolnshire County Council has confirmed that it is in agreement with the work being carried out.
The proposed works are highly complementary to a range of activity to support the town centre.
It includes £20m levelling-up funds to regenerate the Castle Sports Complex site. The award has a ten-year vision with the newly-established Town Board.
There is National Lottery funding for Spalding Reconnected Project which is funding new wayfinding, riverside improvements and a new heritage strategy.
Benefits of the investment will include improvements to the town’s street scene with new furniture and planting schemes.
The new layout for Hall Place is aimed to minimise opportunities for large groups to gather and anti-social behaviour.
“By 2030, pride in place, such as people’s satisfaction with their town centre and engagement in local culture and community, will have risen in every area of the UK,” says the report.
The decision who to award the contract to was made under delegated powers.

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