LETTERS – Quite right we need a champion

I recently read a very interesting letter in The Voice from Rodney Sadd (June 5), talking about a section of society frequently ignored – us oldies.
He mentions there should be a Commissioner for Older People to act as an independent champion and to ensure that all government policy/actions should consider the needs of people in later life and the implications of our ageing population on society.
Quite right there should be a champion. With, as stated, figures rising we could soon be the ‘silent majority’, out on a limb.
Most of us believed the myth that NI would fund our pensions. Now we are told there’s no money so we are on benefits! BENEFITS! Yes, I am shouting – we worked hard for our pensions, many of us since the age of 15 or 16.
And what makes anyone that think we can live below the living wage? We still have the same bills to pay as anyone else.
We need public transport more than some other age groups and a lack of it leaves folk isolated and excluded.
Health and social care is more complex to work with, and none of this is made easier with insistence on ‘tapping the app.’ State pension doesn’t fund app phones and, with arthritis, neuropathy and poor eyesight in the mix, it’s very unfair. All the clicking scrolling, tapping on small screens can be traumatic, as is the patronising attitude of people, if you haven’t fully embraced the lifestyle.
Many of the points Rodney makes are also priorities for Labour.
The question should be put to all candidates standing in the election in South Holland.

Danuta Dalley
via email

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