Squat a way to fundraise

A Whaplode woman has raised hundreds for research into strokes by taking on 8,000 squats in 30 days.

Mariola Pisarkiewicz has become an instructor for ARNI (Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury) and raised over £500 for the charity.
It’s linked with Stroke Solutions which aims to provide one-to-one rehabilitation.
“I feel that South Holland is lacking of knowledge of the support that stroke survivors can get from Stroke Solutions,” Mariola said. “ARNI Institute become very close to my heart and I took on the squats challenge not only motivate my patients to do it, but to also motivate my personal trainer clients, friends and family.
“I have been gradually increasing my amount of squats per day and on the last day I have completed 1,000 to round to 8,000 in total. I have been amazed with the donations.”
To donate visit https://www.justgiving.com/page/mariola-p-arni

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