Talented teenager Will Silver has reached the area final of the national Open Mike UK event.
Judges at last Sunday’s regional heat in Nottingham were impressed with his rendition of James Morrison’s hit You Give Me Something.
Twenty five entrants had earned the right to sing at the live show. And watched by 20 family members and friends, Will (15), of Gosberton, was selected as one of eight singers to go forward to next month’s area final in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.
Grandmother Jenny Cruynkhorn, of Pinchbeck, said: “We were really pleased for him. It was an absolutely lovely day.
“The judges said it was one of the best auditions they had been to.”
Coach sponsorship for the next round on November 30 is sought.
Will (pictured) is due to perform at Tulip Radio’s fireworks display at Spalding Rugby Club on Friday (Oct 31).