Round Tablers and their families from Spalding’s twin town in Germany had an “awesome” time in Lincolnshire last weekend.
Visitors from Speyer were hosted by members of Spalding Round Table and 41 Club.
The 18 guests flew into Stansted last Friday and, after drinks at The Bridge Inn at Crowland, the party was taken by water taxi to Welland Yacht Club for a barbecue reception.
A progressive supper on Friday night was followed on Saturday by a trip to Lincoln and a party with hog roast in the evening.
On Sunday, breakfast at 41 Club member Charlie Lennon’s home preceded the Germans’ return journey.
Mark Luck, of Spalding Round Table, headed the organising group.
He said: “We’ve had an email from the Germans to say their time here was awesome.
“It was such a success due to great teamwork.”
The exchange trip is an annual event. Next September, Speyer will host Spalding visitors.