A decision to charge market stall holders in Long Sutton more than anywhere else in the district has been called-in by members of South Holland District Council.
The council’s own cabinet backed a move to implement a new handbook for the district’s markets at a meeting last week.
The move would see stall holders in Long Sutton pay £8.50 while everywhere else would have a £7 fee.
“It is upsetting that Long Sutton is to be adversely treated by having to pay an extra £1.50, over 60 per cent increase, just because of a closure of the Market Place. Bearing in mind the large sums of council tax and business rates paid by communities in South Holland for distant district facilities in Spalding, we want all to be charged alike,” says the call in from council members Chris Brewis and Jack Tyrrell.
Both council members have requested that the Long Sutton market charge be reduced in line with other areas.
The Scrutiny committee, which meets on Monday (Nov 15) has the option of taking no action, sending the decision back to Cabinet to reconsider its original decision.
The cabinet members had agreed to adopt the new handbook, new fee structure and appoint a new markets manager.
The current suspension of erecting and dismantling stalls has been made permanent as a result.
The district has five regular markets with around 246 pitches available in total. There was consultation with a total of 207 responses online and via hard copy.