VET COLUMN: Christmas danger for your pets

We’re really looking forward to Christmas.

Time to start opening the advent calendars (with chocolate) and we will soon be getting our tree.
It is a exciting time of the year for most people.
It is not the time to have a seriously ill pet.
Christmas presents a variety of dangers for dogs and cats.
The number one danger is chocolate.
Especially dangerous is dark chocolate which contains more cocoa than milk chocolate.
Cocoa contains theobromine which does not poisonous to us but is very toxic to dogs and cats.
Two squares of dark chocolate is enough to make a Jack Russell sized dog ill and five squares is enough for a Labrador.
Milk chocolate is less toxic but a full bar of this is dangerous for a small dog.
If your dog eats chocolate, ring your vet immediately and if possible give an estimation of the amount and cocoa content.
Early treatment will usually save your pet but I am sure being made to vomit, given a load of activated charcoal, put on a drip and given injections is not what your pet wanted for Christmas.
Raisins and grapes are another danger.
How these poison some dogs is not fully understood.
Some dogs seem to manage to eat some without problems while others can be very ill on quite small amounts. So be careful with that Christmas pudding.
Onions, especially if raw are another potential poison, so be careful with the stuffing.
Cats are susceptible to poisoning from lily pollen.
This is highly toxic and causes acute renal failure. If you have cats pick different flowers or remove the pollen containing parts of the flower.
Over the years I have seen some terrible injuries in dogs, cats and rabbits when they have chewed on electric cables.
There are so many more cables around at Christmas.
Be vigilant with any young animal not just with chewing cables but also those children’s toys.
I have removed several plastic toys from dogs’ intestines over the years.
Have a lovely Christmas and make sure your pets stay safe.

Alder Veterinary Practice, 58 Bourne Road, Spalding, PE11 1JW. Call 01775 766646. Opening hours 8.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 10am alternate Saturdays. 24 hour emergency cover.

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