Despite warnings of a national dip in performance levels from the government’s qualifications watchdog, OfQUAL, GCSE results in Lincolnshire have held up this year.
Sixty per cent of students achieved five A* to C grades including English and maths.
A total 14 schools achieved in excess of 90 per cent achieving this standard.
In Lincolnshire’s grammar schools, 49.5 per cent achieved five or more A* or A grades, an increase of 0.3 per cent on last year.
The government has been keen to emphasise the importance of as many students as possible achieving A* to C grades in a broad range of academic subjects.
The percentage of students achieving the English Baccalaureate across Lincolnshire is currently showing as 31 per cent for 2014 compared to 27.2 per cent last year.
Overall, though, it is very difficult to compare this year’s results with last year’s because the government has made so many changes and there are more to come next year.
Coun Patricia Bradwell, executive councillor for children’s services, said: “It’s been harder this year for students to do well than for a long time.
“Nevertheless, initial indications are that almost the same proportion of students as last year have achieved the five A* to C standard including English and maths.
“That’s 60 per cents of students who have proved themselves ready for a higher level of learning at college, in a sixth form or in an apprenticeship. What a fantastic achievement!”