UKIP planning assault on South Holland District Council seats

UKIP logoThe UK Independence Party says it will have several candidates going for seats on South Holland District Council next year.

It follows news that Spalding pub landlord Pete Williams is hoping to be the first member to represent the party on the council next May.

However, the chairman of UKIP South Holland and Deepings cheekily predicted that The Punchbowl owner might not be the first.
Paul Foyster said: “He may indeed be the first UKIP councillor. I’m happy his hat’s in the ring and it looks like he’ll do well, though I expect that depends on which ward finishes counting quickest – any Ukiper could be first.”

He added: “Like the Tories, we too would like more candidates to come forward, there are never enough to give voters a decent choice.
“We will, however, be fielding a lot more people than just Peter.”

The prospect of extra competition for seats has been welcomed by Coun Gary Porter, leader of the district council, which currently has 26 Conservative members and 11 Independents.
He said: “I hope it prompts the Lib Dems and Labour to provide candidates as well.
“Democracy is not only about voting, it’s about people taking part at the sharp end.”

And opposition leader Coun Angela Newton said: “We’re a democratic country and people have the right to stand. As long as they have something to offer the community, why not?”

Mr Williams is rumoured to be standing in St Paul’s, where the Tories have both seats.

Two Conservative district councillors – deputy leader Paul Przyszlak (Crowland and Deeping St Nicholas) and Bob Creese (Whaplode and Holbeach St Johns) – have already stated that they will not be seeking re-election.

Meanwhile, UKIP has designs on snatching South Holland and the Deepings’ parliamentary seat too. However, it’s one of the safest Conservative constituencies with Mr Hayes enjoying a 21,880 (43.6 per cent) majority in 2010.

Mr Foyster said: “There are several good people to choose from and it’s vital to this district that we find the right person to replace John Hayes. He may have a big majority but this is not 2010.”
He added: “This May we will have the most interesting batch of elections for a generation. It will also be the first time for 100 years that a new grassroots party has mounted a challenge to the established order. It will be fun.”

And addressing the electorate directly, he said: “Make sure you are part of it. In the near future your children and grandchildren may ask how or if you voted. In five years, a 15-year-old will be 20 and they’ll be living with your choices.
“Don’t duck this responsibility, you may regret it if you do.”

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