Pupils at University Academy Long Sutton (UALS) were given a glimpse into possible futures at a careers day.
There were 716 pupils in attendance from Year 7 to 11.
Pupils spent the day with 48 external providers, who discussed their career paths and opportunities with their companies including apprenticeships and future employment, companies included Morrisons, Bakkavor, HSBC, Coveris, Chandlers, and Ford and Slater.
Local colleges and sixth form providers enabled pupils to find out more about their vocational and academic courses, including the new T Levels which were promoted for the College of West Anglia by former University Academy Long Sutton pupil Jennifer Rankin.
Post-18 providers included The University of East Anglia and Lincoln University.
A spokesman for UALS said: “It was a brilliant day and amazing to see how many local and national providers attend the event and interacted with the pupils.”