TULIP TALK: A confidence boost for Connor

Connor Sanderson started at Tulip Radio in September 2014 after leaving the Gleed School earlier that year.

After finishing his time at school, Connor was unsure about what he wanted to do and he felt that, with three GCSEs, there wasn’t a lot that he could do.

Since then, we have seen his confidence grow along with his technical and professional skills.

With a flexible, informal, yet professional atmosphere, Tulip Radio offers a unique learning environment, which has allowed many of our younger volunteers and staff to thrive through practical learning opportunities – and we have seen Connor develop in many of the skills he will need in his working life.

Connor is now undertaking a Business Administration Apprenticeship, which involves working four days a week at Tulip Radio and studying one day a week at Peterborough Regional College.

As part of his apprenticeship, Connor is completing a Level 2 National Vocational Qualification in Business Administration.

This requires a lot of write-ups and paperwork, which he admits to being less than a fan of!

But Connor has shown that he is prepared to work hard and he recognises that the rewards will be worth the effort.

During his time at Tulip Radio so far, Connor has helped create advertising and publications for public distribution.

He has also assisted the Tulip Radio team in a couple of events and outside broadcasts, most recently Spalding’s 2014 Christmas Lights Switch On.

Connor said: “Tulip Radio is unlike anywhere else as the job you are doing can change in an instant.

“Gathering news to relay to the public or scheduling performers for the latest event that Tulip has the responsibility of organising is all in a day’s work.”

Connor will finish his apprenticeship at the end of this year and though he is still not 100 per cent sure on what he wants to do when he leaves, we know that the skills he has learnt and demonstrated at Tulip Radio will stand him in good stead.

Tulip Radio’s previous short-term employees and work experience students have gone on to employment in local businesses and careers in the media industry and we hope that Connor will enjoy similar success on his chosen path – but most of all, we hope that he will continue to do work that he will enjoy.

by Jan Whitbourn, of Tulip Radio

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