Town needs police and new market

Three quarters of respondents to the survey into how £20m of funding will be spent in Spalding say an increased police presence is a top priority.

A new outdoor market and free parking are other popular measures, the results of Spalding Town Board’s survey posted on its website
‘The top priority’ for 76 per cent of respondents was a bigger police presence.
“It is clear that respondents would like to be able to enjoy Spalding safely,” the report states. “Indeed, it is a ‘top priority’ for how the money is spent.
“There is considerable concern about anti-social behaviour, open and excessive use of alcohol and drug taking, resulting in unease and a feeling of vulnerability in the town centre.
“There is a strong appetite for a more visible police presence and better law enforcement.”
Indeed more than half of respondents (54 per cent) called for CCTV to be installed, despite a system already being in place.
“It might not be working properly and/or properly monitored,” the report continues. “There is also some interest in tackling anti-social behaviours through the provision of activities (e.g. sports programmes, mentoring), to relieve boredom and encourage healthier behaviours.”
The report states the ‘best thing’ about Spalding is the River Welland and the area surrounding it, according to two in five respondents
“It is widely considered that the potential of this area is not being realised,” states the report.
Around one in five also highlighted Ayscoughfee Gardens and the ‘community spirit’ as the best things.
The bid for more high street options, particularly retail stores was highlighted.
Sixty per cent of respondents wanted to improve public spaces in town including 71 per cent improving historic sites and buildings while 58 per cent backed a plan for a new open-air market and 56 per cent to improve streets and buildings.
As previously reported, one of the things the Spalding Town Board is looking at is to buy the old Johnson Hospital site that’s been derelict for decades.

More than half also would like to see a new park or community garden created or improve the existing green spaces.
Live music and or theatre shows were something wanted by 69 per cent of those who responded.
Many called for more support for the Spalding Flower Parade and the Gentleman’s Society museum, while of prompted options in the survey, 72 per cent called for improvements in community spaces and libraries and 64 per cent wanted to see more support for volunteers in community projects.
The condition of the roads was a need for 79 per cent of those that filled in the survey.
“There is some mention of the need for a better train service and a desire for cheaper or free parking,” says the report.
Of the 507 people who completed the survey only 443 shared details of themselves.
Of those who did, 59 per cent were female with two thirds (67 per cent) living in Spalding. Just four per cent of respondents were under 25, while 27 per cent were over 65.
Further consultations were held with the YMCA and with 16 people under 27 who attended The Lighthouse Church.
Of those 11 responded that the church itself was the best thing about Spalding, while seven said their ambition for the town was for it to be more Christian, one hoping the town would ‘come to Christ’ and be ‘big fun’.
A separate survey of visiting habits on the Love Spalding website stated the highest reason for going to the town was for banking (53 per cent), followed by food shopping (51 per cent), leisure (41 per cent), eating out (38 per cent) and socialising (28 per cent).

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