TOWN CENTRE MANAGER: Smart trader scheme to launch

Thanks to the excellent work of Luke Blackmore at Big Clever Creative Design, the town centre manager’s website went live last week and can be visited at
The website aims to provide local people and visitors to the town information on places to stay and to eat out, local attractions, events and details on all of Spalding’s retail and service businesses.
The site is totally mobile friendly and you will hopefully be able to visit it whilst out and about.
You may have heard that we are introducing a project called the Spalding Smart Trader Scheme, which is aimed at publically acknowledging those business owners that annually make the effort to keep their shop or office front in good order and, of course, to encourage others to do the same.
The scheme will be voluntary to join and it is hoped that business owners and landlords will readily see the benefits to the scheme and will sign up to it.
Retail and office fronts are a major advertising tool for businesses and whilst understanding that these should be eye-catching and convey the type of business or service being offered, they should also be in keeping with the historical heritage of the town.
In other words make a positive contribution to the character and trading success of an individual street or shopping area and improve or maintain the ‘street scene’.
This in turn will help to encourage greater footfall into the town and into individual shops and offices.
It is intended that the scheme will go live on May 1 once all stakeholders have been contacted and have agreed how it should be conducted.
Businesses that meet the standards will be awarded with a ‘Spalding Smart Trader Scheme’ window sticker and will be congratulated in the local media and entered into a best kept shop competition.
Can I also remind you again not to forget to visit the 16th South Holland Arts Exhibition, that is taking place in the South Holland Centre over the period March 3-10. This is a fantastic opportunity see some great local art in many different forms, that will hopefully encourage you to have a go yourself.
Also come and see the promotional event taking place in the Market Place on Friday, where you will see a couple of talented local artists at work, be able to enjoy the taste of Mexican food and listen to a number of original song from the talented Yorkshire singer and song writer, Jonny Walker. Check out Jonny’s Facebook page at:

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