Town auction to return via charity

The popular auction held in Long Sutton is set to return later this month thanks to a local charity.

Men’s Shed Long Sutton president Jack Tyrrell with Eric Seekings, Frank Heinrich-Tiller and Ken Day.

The town’s Pride of South Holland award winning Men’s Shed charity is to hold the auction again outside the Parish Church at 11.30am on Friday, October 25.

The auction itself has proved popular with locals, but was discontinued a few years ago.

Now Men’s Shed will be organising it, selling not only the goods they make themselves but also offering to sell anyone’s goods with the charity receiving a small commission.

Initially it will take place one a month, with the option of it increasing.

The group’s Frank Heinrich-Tiller, told The Voice: “I know a lot of people in Long Sutton have said they wanted the auction back and we’ve decided to do just that.

“They’re a tradition in this local area to try and help local residents sell items.

“Men’s Shed is looking to move into bigger premises and we have a lot of stuff on top of what we make so we thought it would be a good idea to bring the auction back ourselves.

“We’re looking for local people to come along with produce or whatever they think might fetch a bob or two.

“We’ll sell it for them, they’ll get the proceeds and we’ll keep a small commission.

“It will start as once a month but if there’s the interest that we hope to get we could look to increase it to twice a month. We’re just going to see how it goes.”

Men’s Shed was set up in a bid to bring more elderly men who may be lonely together.

Last week they picked up three certificates at the Pride of South Holland Awards.

Frank (71) was named Volunteer of the Year, Eric Seekings (94) and Ken Day (72) third and second respectively in the Senior Citizen of the Year category.

A spokesman said: “There was stiff competition for all the awards and the Men’s Shed welcomes the recognition given to the three volunteers who have been quite rightly recognised for their unstinting support for the Men’s Shed and the wider community.”

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