Five staff members based at The Johnson Community Hospital in Pinchbeck are among dozens of long-serving NHS employees across Lincolnshire who have been praised for their dedication at a special awards ceremony.
The 63 staff from Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) have chalked up an impressive 1,600 years’ service between them.
Each person has achieved 20, 30 or 40 years’ continuous service.
LCHS chairman Elaine Baylis said: “I would like to thank each of these individuals for the dedication they have shown to their professions.
“It’s always very heart-warming to hear about their experiences of working in the NHS, and particularly those who have spent their years with patients and families in Lincolnshire. It’s a pleasure to be able to help them celebrate their loyal service.”
All staff received their long service award at an afternoon tea ceremony.
The five staff members based at Johnson Community Hospital are:
30 years’ service:
- Jill Anderson, a head of safeguarding
- Annette Andrews, a health visitor
- Linda Smith, an assistant practitioner
20 years’ service:
- Sarah Goode, a respiratory nurse specialist
- Lisa Harding, a speech and language therapist