The staff at Bicker Prep did not want the end of term to pass without a few treats.
An ice cream van came to visit the school on Wednesday afternoon and every child was able to go out with their class ‘bubble’ to choose an ice-lolly from the van.

Year 6 leavers were disappointed to have missed their usual Easter residential trip, which had to be cancelled due to lockdown, so instead, the children were transported to the Space Station, under the sea and to the World War One trenches via Virtual Reality 3D headsets provided by Ark ICT, of Spalding.
They also enjoyed a socially distanced leavers’ event at the school’s environmental area, where each child delivered their traditional leaver’s speech, played instruments and read poems.
Headteacher Julie Miles said: “It was lovely to be able to share some special moments with the children.
“To see the excitement on their faces when they heard the ice cream van was quite a treat!
“Our end of term is normally action-packed and we particularly wanted to ensure that our Year 6 children had a fitting end to their time at Bicker Prep.”