Children at Gosberton Academy have raised money for the school’s PTFA by walking 1,600km.
All of the children took part on Friday, May 27, taking it in turns as classes to walk an average of just over 10k per pupil around the village.
Every child at Gosberton Academy has taken a sponsor form home and it has been agreed that the money will be spent on ensuring the school have all the necessary stationery, exercise books, resources and equipment for the new academic year.
Headteacher Tom Baxter said: “It is a great way of raising money but more importantly, it is a way of getting children active, encouraging them to walk around their local community and supporting the local care home too.”
The school specially thanked Leo Codsi, who provided water bottles for each pupil and Hazel Alles, who worked with Del Monte to ensure each child received a fruit bag during the day.
Mr Baxter continued: “The support of the local businesses has been fantastic.
“The support that the PTFA has received, not only in recent weeks but over the past few years, has been something that has allowed the PTFA to continue to enhance the opportunities for all children at Gosberton Academy.”