Profile of Lib Dems’ candidate for South Holland and The Deepings seat

Former businesswoman Julia Cambridge has been selected as the Liberal Democrats parliamentary candidate for South Holland and The Deepings.

Julia has lived in the East Midlands since 2009 and is a governor at three schools, one of which is attended by her daughter.

Always a strong advocate for women, she regularly lectures for women in business.
A candidate in the 2015 General Election, Julia has become a top mentor and vice chairperson nominee for the Campaign for Gender Balance helping other women achieve in politics.

Away from politics, she is a passionate supporter of animal charities championing causes such as tighter inspections on live animal exports, is chairperson of a national campaign to save green spaces and a volunteer for Age UK providing carer support.

Julia said: “Older people are often invisible and marginalised. Loneliness can be as big a killer as poor health. It is important to me to do what I can both practically and politically. From the NHS to pensions I have and will always champion the things our elderly community hold dear.”

She attributes her Liberal Democrat roots to her mother, a former NHS nurse, who is a strong supporter of the party and once stood as a councillor. Her childhood was spent abroad as her father was in the RAF based in Cyprus. Julia says after returning to live in England, she  was struck by the obvious divisions in British society: the gap between rich and poor and the hostility to vulnerable people.

“Whether it is the Conservative or Labour Party holding power the big issues, the things that matter to people, are not being addressed. The NHS is underfunded, schools are left crumbling while the government invest in 500 free schools and push selective education, food is shrinking yet costing more while wages stagnant. I want more and people in South Holland and the Deepings deserve more than this.”

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