A parish council has said it’s fed up of the state of its roads and is to lobby for improvements.
Members of Pinchbeck Parish Council say they are particularly a concerned about Northgate, a road meant to have a weight limit but still regularly used by HGVs.
A council spokesman said one deep pot hole that highways authority Lincolnshire County Council has already attempted to fix is seeing ‘the entire road surface’ fragmenting around it.
“Pinchbeck Parish Council are planning to meet with Lincolnshire Highways to discuss HGVs, potential traffic calming measures and how and where cycle routes can be improved to protect cyclists and make their journeys a safe and enjoyable experience,” the spokesman continued.
Parish councillor Terry Moore said: “Glenside South is frequently closed, as it is currently, causing traffic to find alternative routes, but these roads were not built for this heavy traffic and they are literally breaking up”.
Ann Savage said county councillor Elizabeth Sneath would “put pressure on LCC Highways to expedite an appropriate repair, ideally before an accident occurs”.
Ann said: “Northgate is an exceptionally busy stretch of road, which suffers from its share of speeding too, but the last thing we want is a cyclist being injured due to a pothole that could very easily be repaired.”
A county council spokesman said: “We are aware of this particular issue and have programmed a set of works to get this fixed as soon as possible.
“We will put temporary traffic management in place to carry out the works for the safety of road users and the on-site crew.”