Policing minister ‘genuinely listened’ to Lincolnshire concerns

Millions of pounds could be saved from the national policing budget if other forces adopted the “Lincolnshire Way”, according to the chief constable.

Neil Rhodes made the bold statement to the Government’s policing minister during a visit by him to the county to discuss in-depth the challenges faced in Lincolnshire in relation to funding.

After the meeting, also attended by the county’s police and crime commissioner Alan Hardwick, Mr Rhodes said he felt Mr Penning had “genuinely listened” to the concerns.

He said: “It’s really positive that Mr Penning has taken the time out of his busy ministerial schedule to visit and speak with us and to see how we police here in a force that is the lowest funded in the country but is a model of efficiency.

“When he left we felt that he had genuinely listened.

“Mr Penning is sending a Home Office Task Force to see us and assess our situation and ideas for the future – Lincolnshire Police is the only force he’s doing that for because he’s impressed by the case that we’ve made.

“We have realistic expectations and are making clear that we are not asking for more money, rather that we cannot handle even more cuts whilst maintaining the level and standard of policing that the public expects and deserves.

“We made clear to Mr Penning that if other forces policed in the Lincolnshire Way millions of pounds could be saved.

“The Minister was never going to come to us today with his cheque book but we are encouraged that he is listening and we look forward to seeing the Home Office Task Force next week.

“The Government is undertaking a fundamental review and Mr Penning really understands that things have got to change and we feel that our voice is being heard.

“We won’t let go of this and if the complexion of this Government changes after the General Election we will continue to state our case just as strongly.”

Mr Hardwick said he was “encouraged” by the meeting and ongoing dialogue with the Home Office.

He said: “Mr Penning knew our position well and came to us with some very insightful questions about how we police here in Lincolnshire and what we might have planned for the future.

“We made clear to the minister that we feel we are being penalised for being an efficient force while others are being rewarded for not being as such under the current funding formula.

“If nothing is done over the next few years and the cuts we face do go ahead it is no secret that Lincolnshire Police will be in real trouble.

“We are confident he is listening to us and taking on board our concerns.”

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