Two planning applications for a total of about 63 homes in Weston are recommended to be granted permission on Wednesday (June 29).
A Mr Gibson has applied to South Holland District Council for outline permission for about 57 properties in High Road, and Weston Hills firm Broadgate Homes is poised for approval for six large homes in Pinfold Lane.
Meanwhile, 42 new homes for Sutton St James are also due to get the go-ahead.
The Chapelgate site is currently used as a piggery and council officers say “a residential housing estate would likely provide improved amenity for surrounding residents.”
The applicant, Mr P Heanes, would be expected to enter into an agreement to pay £137,367 by way of a Section 106 planning gain contribution towards education provision.
Lincolnshire County Council has requested the amount on the basis of need for seven secondary places and one school-based sixth form place.
It adds: “There is no requirement for primary school places on the basis that there is existing capacity.”
In the cases of all three applications, council officers tell members of the planning committee: “Ideally, the council would wish to seek to identify new greenfield housing sites through the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan process.
“However, it is clear in the absence of a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites that national guidance and recent appeal decisions nationally mean, that until a new Local Plan is adopted, the council’s ability to do this is somewhat weakened.”
Where there is a lack of a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites, National Planning Policy Framework guidelines state that permission should usually be granted.