Man who set Range Rover on fire in Spalding street given suspended sentence

A man who set fire to a Range Rover in Spalding was today (Monday) given a suspended jail sentence.

Adam Szeliga, 26, of Westlode Street, Spalding, pleaded guilty to the arson which occurred on May 13 last year.

Lincoln Crown Court heard Szeliga did not know the owner of the Range Rover which was parked outside the owner’s home in Pennygate.

The owner awoke at 5am and looked outside his property to see his vehicle on fire, the court was told.

CCTV showed Szeliga cycling up to the Range Rover and gaining entry through an already broken window. The vehicle could be seen on fire a few minutes later.

The value of the Range Rover was limited as it had been subject to previous vandalism, the court was told.

Szeliga also admitted a second charge of stealing a pedal cycle from the Constitutional Club in Spalding on May 12 2024.

That incident was also caught on CCTV and showed Szeliga cycling up to the club on another bike.

Szeliga could then be seen cutting the lock to the stolen bike which was valued at £250 and cycling away, the court heard.

Sentence had previously been adjourned for the preparation of probation and psychiatric reports on Szeliga.

Paul O’Shea, defending, said although Szeliga did not know the victim of the arson it did represent “a step up in his offending.”

Mr O’Shea admitted to the court  “it was of a concerning nature” and said both incidents occurred while he was high on amphetamines.

The court heard Szeliga had settled accomodation above the restaurant where he worked and had a disposal income of £800 a month.

Szeliga, who followed the hearing via a Polish interpreter, had previously been granted bail on condition that he did not contact the owner of the Range Rover or go to Pennygate.

Passing sentence Recorder Nicola Williams told Szeliga: “It is a long time since I have had to sentence someone for something as stupid as setting fire to a Range Rover in the early hours of the morning.”

But Recorder Williams said she was willing to give him one last chance to avoid jail.

Szeliga was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment suspended for two years.

He must also complete 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and obey an electronically monitored curfew for four days a week for six months.

Szeliga must also pay £250 compensation to the owner of the bike and £375 compensation to the owner of the Range Rover.

He was also ordered to pay £375 court costs and an £187 victim surcharge.

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