It is evident that obesity places huge pressures on our already heavily burdened NHS service.
However, what is causing me the most annoyance is why diabetes medication is being offered to patients for free when, in many cases, the extra weight and linked health issues are the cause of over-eating, lack of self control and no desire to have to physically work to lose weight?
Not only this but, as an asthma sufferer, through no fault of my own, I have to pay for all my medication whilst exercising regularly, minding my weight and taking care of myself?
No doubt my frank words will cause many of The Voice readers to call for me to be drawn across hot coals for fat shaming, however I feel that giving people any easy way out with no responsibility on their part, can only pave the way for a younger generation with no desire to strive or work for anything because it is simply handed to them on a plate.
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