LETTERS – What do people see in him?

Recently like many constituents I had some election publicity shoved through my door about the sitting MP, with certain ringing endorsements.
Would someone mind telling me what it is people see in him? Having met him, I just don’t get it.
I had a two-minute conversation with him about broken promises, false claims and overseas aid.
Early on in the conversation, he said: “Perhaps you know more about this than I do”. Well, yes, John, that much is obvious: but it’s supposed to be your job to know this stuff.
Finding I was not a cringing sycophant, he spent much of the subsequent conversation trying to ignore me.
Perhaps some may think it was unfair to ambush him. But his electoral leaflet which he and his staff have had time to prepare is no better. “There is no money”. You’ve had 14 years and you still can’t come up with a better argument.
Obviously Truss and Johnson crashed the economy and ran out of money far more recently, otherwise they wouldn’t have made the cuts to the aid budget and pushed borrowing to record levels like they promised they wouldn’t.
Yet this area just seems to keep returning the same man year after year. And you wonder why life gets no better.
G Kent

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