LETTERS – Rise up and save our bank

I am extremely perturbed by the proposal to close Long Sutton’s last High Street bank, the busy local branch of TSB.

I suspect that vigorous objections and a petition will be forthcoming.

To propose doing this in the middle of our current unique national crisis is unbelievably insensitive and unhelpful to our residents.

Having been contacted by TSB headquarters last week, they make the extraordinary statement that prior to the COVID-19 crisis the ‘footfall’ was 52 people per week.

As a user of the bank, I have a suspicion that the ‘0’ (zero) has been left off the end of that figure! That clear inaccuracy needs addressing immediately.

I cannot recall being in the bank on my own pre COVID crisis, and queues in the current crisis are permanent, to all intents and purposes.

Our local communities contain may business people, and elderly people, many living alone, and several old people’s homes.

The average age of our residents is above the national average. A considerable number of people have no transport of their own.

The Post Office is not a clear alternative, as there are limits on the sums which may be deposited or withdrawn.

A considerable number of our local shops bank with TSB, and to suggest that they convey their cash to King’s Lynn, the nearest branch, is ludicrous.
Long Sutton, for its size, and being 14 miles from King’s Lynn and Spalding, and about ten from Wisbech, is in an almost unique position as a small, successful market town looked to by a number of neighbouring villages.

To make this suggestion at such a difficult time is unbelievable.

The nearest alternative branch is in King’s Lynn’s Tuesday Market Place, between 14 and 15 miles away. For those using public transport it also necessitates a substantial walk from the bus station to the bank.

I urge all affected people to write opposing this closure idea to the Advocacy Manager, TSB Bank plc, Henry Duncan House, 120, George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4LH.

I would even reluctantly accept a small reduction in hours, or one day less, to ensure continued service in our area.

Please, everybody, rise up and save our local service and last bank branch!

Chris Brewis
South Holland district councillor

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