LETTERS – My main concern is the NHS

An open letter to Rishi Sunak PM:

Just one more letter re the state of the NHS, for which I am very grateful for all the use I have to make of it.

I have just spent 27 minutes waiting to speak to our local surgery for the results to some fairly serious blood tests, and can have a phone appointment with doctor on Friday of this week, or else maybe a face-to-face in two weeks’ time. Hope I don’t have to be rushed to hospital.

This is not really acceptable when our country was held as an example to the world. I agree that the world has mover on since the NHS was formed, but local authorities are building so many new houses, without improving our local services.

We use Crowland Abbeyview surgery which won awards just a few years ago.

Yes, there seem to be a lot more staff, but the staff are run off their feet, not everyone is computer literate. It’s fine if you have schoolchildren who can help us older generations who were educated in a very different way to nowadays.

This is not a moaning letter, just a very concerned active voter, wondering when some people in the job of MP are going to do what they were promising us after Brexit, but there are people in all parties who just seem to be feathering their own nests and to hang with the rest of us.

My personal opinion is we need someone who has the gumption of Lady Thatcher who faced up to the bullies in the coal industry – I have personal knowledge of the miners’ strike, and having to face the pickets to let me get to my work in Midlothian, and listen to the awful shouting at that time, and seeing buses full of police officers in caged in buses trying to keep the peace. We would love to go north, but with the mess the railways are in, any trips are on the back burner.

I can go off on another track – how are schools going to pick up the mess after COVID and all the problems, and universities and colleges not doing the work of preparing our younger generations to face up to the problems your generation are now facing?

My main concern seems to be the NHS and the position in now facing with an ever growing multi faith and culture nation, where so many don’t seem to be British, but want all our benefits.

Would we be made welcome in their homelands if we stretched out empty purses or housing and everything else we seem to give them willingly?

My eldest granddaughter has just completed three years at university, studying politics, and rarely saw a lecturer face to face, not very happy times, considering the fees being charged when she could have done most of it at home.

You are, Mr Sunak, in a very hot seat.

I look forward to your reply as a very disillusioned member of your party.

Eileen Harris

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