LETTERS – Johnson Hospital is marvellous

What a marvellous hospital we have in Spalding; a lot of bad comments have been circulating about the NHS, but my experience of Tuesday, August 13 has restored some of my confidence in our NHS.
I was referred back in March 2023 by my GP for an ears, nose and throat appointment.
The appointment eventually came through after 17 months of waiting to attend the ENT clinic at The Johnson Hospital on August 13.
My appointment was for 9am, I arrived at 8.40am, parking my car free of charge.
I was able to use my “walker” to get into the hospital a distance of less than 150 yards. I then easily followed signs to the ENT clinic which was all on one level. I was greeted by the receptionist who booked me in, and before I was able to sit down to wait I was ushered in to see the consultant.
I was treated by having my ears syringed followed by an inspection of my nose and throat by the use of a camera, and then given a verbal conclusion of my problem followed by a prescription for medication.
After thanking them I made my way back to my car and the time was still only 9.10am. The whole experience lasted only 30 minutes.
My thanks go to all at The Johnson Hospital, especially my consultant, Mr Morgan and his nurse who treated me so professionally.

Maurice JW Stalley (Jim)
Sutton Bridge

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