LETTERS – Facts about junction trial

In response to reader’s letters I wish to dispel further rumours and put the record straight regarding the A16/B1166 Radar Junction trial.

The Highways Authority has been working with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to identify measures to improve safety.

The trial is expected to become operational early in the new year and will be in place for a maximum period of 18 months during which time its progress will be monitored.

After this time the effectiveness of the trial will be assessed together with the impact of traffic displacement on surrounding communities.

At the radar junction, the right turn facilities when approaching the junction from the B1166 Hulls Drove and James Road will be removed.
The right turn into Crowland from the A16 when travelling south will also be removed. Access will be maintained to Hulls Drove when travelling north on the A16.
At the A16/B1040 Thorney Road junction, the right turn facility when approaching the junction from either direction on Thorney Road will be removed. The right turn into Crowland from the A16 when travelling south will also be removed. Access will be maintained to Nene Terrace when travelling north on the A16.
The restrictions in place will be enforced by red and white barriers, all associated signs and markings will be amended to reflect the changes, including changes to the signs in the centre of Crowland as vehicles will need to re-route.
A ‘U-turn’ ban will form part of the legal order process and the current maximum speed limit of 60mph will still apply.
On becoming a county councillor in 2013, I inherited many problems at the south of our county, the A16/B1166 junction being just one of them. During my time as councillor red road markings and average speed cameras have been introduced which have without doubt reduced the amount of road traffic collisions. A feasibility study has been concluded and now a trial, which despite not getting a roundabout as some of us wish for, confirms to me that the county council in conjunction with the road safety partnership are listening to us and are taking action.
At the December 3, 2018 meeting of Crowland Parish Council the idea of a trial was loosely muted by myself to parish councillors and gained majority support, the trial then muted was not too dissimilar to this one but less safe.
Having had a lifelong connection with Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service and Crowland Fire Station in particular, I give assurance that access to all outlying areas in their patch will be maintained.
Having attended more fatal road traffic collisions than I wish to remember before my time as councillor, public safety is of paramount importance to me.
It is hoped that by cutting off the access to James Road when travelling south at both junctions, there will be less traffic travelling south on James Road which may make the morning peak time traffic flow better at the roundabout south of Crowland.
I anticipate the first few weeks of the trial will cause the most chaos and disruption and cause consternation and lengthier journeys for some, whether we like it or whether we don’t, the overriding factor is to make the junction, which I have stated many times in the press as the ‘scary junction’, safer and as the name suggests, it’s a trial!
I’ve often heard it said locally that those sitting in offices at Lincoln do not know where Crowland is, I can assure you they do! I can also assure you they know who the county councillor for the Crowland Division is!

Nigel Pepper
County & District Councillor
Chairman of LCC Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny Committee

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