LETTERS – Consider joining the U3A

Spalding and District U3A are making plans to resume “normal service” with further easing of the lockdown restrictions eagerly anticipated in June.

The U3A movement founded in 1982, with 1,057 charitable groups within the UK, last year undertook a successful major rebranding programme, to appeal to a wider audience and to emphasise that there are no formal qualifications or exams to pass (as implied in the name University of the Third Age).

There is no age limit to join U3A; the only criterion to join is that you are no longer in full-time employment or raising a family – you are in the third stage of your life and have the time to take part in the activities and learning opportunities.

Wednesday June 2 will see the launch of the first National U3A Day, with U3A groups nationwide keen to promote what they can offer within their local community.

During lockdown our U3A has still been active, and wherever feasible groups have continued to meet, often moving their activities outside, our British weather permitting.

The committee and group leaders have been most enthusiastic and determined to keep in regular touch with our 300 members, by way of regular phone calls, emails, monthly and seasonal newsletters and enjoyable talks given by a variety of professional speakers using zoom.

We were delighted that so many members embraced new technology and found Zoom surprisingly easy to use and an excellent compromise, but we cannot wait to meet up again face-to-face, hoping to return to Surfleet Village Hall for our monthly meeting in August.

We have attracted new members during lockdown who were welcomed to new members, group and monthly meetings all on Zoom and would now invite anyone who has found this past year difficult, perhaps without friends or family nearby, to consider joining our U3A to make new friends and enjoy shared interests.

We would be pleased to meet you at the Pinchbeck Picnic in the Park (organised by the Pinchbeck Carnival Association) on June 27, start time 12 noon, where we shall have a stall – please come and say hello.

Take a look at our website wwwu3asites.org.uk/spalding to find out more.

Steve Field
Spalding and District U3A

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