LETTER: Time for action at Love Lane

As commented on two weeks ago in these pages, the problems caused by builders parking their vehicles in totally unsuitable places around the Love Lane turning into Cowbit Road have been with us for some three months.

From previous comments it appears neither the council nor the police have taken any action despite having knowledge of the situation.

I have seen a complaint that was posted on the “Fix My Street” website which appears to indicate the situation is getting worse as work progresses.

The complaint is copied here: “Sent to South Holland District Council and Lincolnshire County Council.

“At the long ongoing building works at the junctions of Cowbit Road and Love Lane at 3pm today there was a concrete mix vehicle stationary and unattended but with hazard lights on facing the river, rear end in Love Lane and front in Cowbit Road, and some 8ft or so from the LH kerb. This, together with the many other builders’ vehicles parked in both roads, made it impossible to turn left into Cowbit Road safely!

“This general dangerous situation has been clearly evident for some weeks now and was in fact highlighted in the local press last week as apparently being totally ignored by the police etc despite many complaints and a serious accident waiting to happen!

“Something urgently needs to be done to get those who are involved with this building site to use some common sense and ensure that all vehicles trying to turn left out of Love Lane have some sort of sight line into Cowbit Road so that traffic can exit and with safely!

“Also, at the moment, all people walking/wheel chairs/kids going to and from school etc. trying to get from Love Lane to go left down Cowbit Road and vice versa have no alternative but to do this in the middle of the road with traffic coming from three directions!

“This is a completely unacceptable, long standing and ongoing situation which must be resolve immediately! The insurance companies involved in any accident here will have a field day.”

Surely it is time, for whichever authority is responsible for resolving this sort of issue, to get out there and make the builder use some “common sense” or stop the works until proper access for drivers and pedestrians is in place.

Neither the council nor the police, in the event of a serious accident occurring here, can say that they are unaware of the problem and in that event they would come under serious scrutiny for not having taken any action.

Name and address supplied

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