On behalf of Friends of Spalding Cemetery, I should like to thank everybody who responded to the article in The Voice, asking for information about our fallen military buried in Spalding Cemetery.
We knew there were 35 local persons, including two ladies; but little was known about them.
With the exception of Private. Harold William (“Lal”) Barnett, aged 31, Royal Army Service Corps, died 7 July 1945; and Sergeant William Blogg, Royal Engineers 28 Mechanical Equipment Sec. aged 29, died 14 April 1944; we now have the information to progress our plans and show even greater respect to these persons by displaying permanent individual profiles which can be seen and read by visitors and school parties.
Follow our progress on our facebook page “Friends of Spalding Cemetery”.
Any information about the above mentioned, or the others deceased would still be most welcome.
Just send information to ahill10197@aol.com
Andrew Hill