LETTER: Thanks to everyone for fair success

We would like to thank our friends and colleagues for everything you did on Friday, helping to make the day a success, without you this event would never have had so many people in the town.

Thank you firstly to everyone involved in the Tulip Queen competition and for the prizes we received for the event, the two queens will benefit hugely in their role as ambassadors for South Holland.

Thank you to our MP John Hayes, Kat Wakefield from the Lincolnshire Free Press and Dan Povey from Fancy Frox who all kindly gave their time to judge the competition and give amazing prizes as well as Hills Department Store, Flowers & Things, Strands of Spalding and Wayne Fitzgerald.

Good Luck to Amy Cook our newly appointed Tulip Queen and Kimberley Fisher her deputy.

Thank you to all the teachers, families and friends who spent so much time with the children, teaching the students their song, they entertained us and kept the judges busy, they were all winners in the judges’ eyes.

They found the job very difficult and wanted you all to know they had a good afternoon.

Thank you to David and his team for the loan of the stage, without it a lot of people would not have been able to see the children singing their song and looking so happy,

Well done to you all but especially to the winners.

The winners and prizes were as follows:

Bakkavor first prize to St John the Baptist Primary School £500; second prize to Ayscoughfee School £250; third prize to the Priory School £100.

Hughes Electrical donated £1,000 worth of electrical goods, AlleyCatz gave bowling for the whole school, Sainsbury’s an educational tour and the Lincolnshire Free Press and Spalding Guardian a canvas picture of the winning school.

Thank you to the judges who had the enormous task of looking for the winners, they kept saying ‘they are all good and all winners’.

Thank you for making it fun, Dennis Hannant, Terry Moore and Tom Gosling you were great and I know how cold it was for you sitting there all afternoon, as you said the schools were great and we know you had a problem judging as the standard was very high from schools.

Well done to all teachers, students, family and friends who have given their time for this event, it was great to see everyone and without you this event would not have been as successful.

Every year it has got bigger and better and so many people have said how much they enjoyed the children singing, thank you.

A big thank you to the Kirton Brass Band and Holbeach Town Band who played so well to the community in the Market Place and to Diamondz dance troupe who showed us their dance routines.

A very big thank you to Couns Gary Taylor, Angela Newton, Graham Dark, George Aley, Elizabeth Sneath and Roger Perkins for helping to make this event a success with your very kind support.

Thank you to the Spalding Marching Ambassadors for a tremendous job for the ‘finale’. It was wonderful to hear you play and see you march down the road bringing in the Tulip Queen, Santa, John Hayes, Joseph, Georgie and the deputy Queen.

Thank you to them for giving up their time and waving to the crowds before turning on the lights and to Nigel Wilkins for supporting the Spalding Marching Ambassadors.

Thank you to Dennis Hannant and Peter Jay for entertaining us in the afternoon whilst we were waiting for Santa.

I have had a lot of people telling me how much they enjoyed your performances and are looking forward to you singing again, thank you so much to both of you.

A very big thank you to Mike and the team for all the help with barriers, stage and difficult problems that only you could have helped us with, also for the help and support over the months leading up to the event, I did sincerely appreciate it.

Thank you also to Emily and Maxine for your guidance and support with the whole event and David for doing all those important reports to make the event safe and possible.

Thank you to Mark Furneaux and Graham for coming in case we needed first aid, thank heavens we didn’t, thank you to you and your team as always so helpful.

Thank you to the Royal Naval Association, helping us with the children on and off the stage, providing gifts and sweets for the students and being stewards with us all day.

To all those people who came and helped us steward the event as the crowds got bigger, James Holland, Dave Charlesworth, the police and especially to the Air Cadets, Army, Navy and RAF Cadets and Chris Bone for his contacts and helping to bring this together. Your help to make the event safe was appreciated and to the wonderful people who entertained us and came back to help steward for the ‘finale’, and the Fire Service for attending and cheering with the crowds, they enjoyed it, thank you.

Thank you to Nigel at Baytree for delivering such a great tree for us all and to the Chamber for organising once again some more amazing new lights, they looked extra special this year.

If I have missed anyone out I am sorry, we were so grateful to you all for coming and making this event entertaining and a success, without you all this could not have happened this year, well done and thank you. It was much appreciated and I am glad the weather was kind to us, it has been kind to us over the last few years.

Please pass on our thanks to everyone in your teams, schools choirs, teachers, parents and acts who have helped us to make the event possible.

If Tulip Radio can help you with anything, please do not hesitate to ask, it has been a pleasure working with you all.

Well done to you and thank you from everyone at the Chamber of Commerce and us here at Tulip Radio.

Best wishes for Christmas and may you all have a very happy New Year, I sincerely hope you will all come back next year and do it all again.

Jan Whitbourn
Business Manager
Tulip Radio

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