LETTER: Tell the police of dog attacks

Over the past year there have been many dog attacks in Fleet Hargate.

These attacks are usually against small dogs but the attacking dogs are always huge.

It has also been noticed that the larger the dog, the smaller the owner.

I often see a man walking two very large, menacing looking dogs and before I walk my dog within a few yards, the man has to straddle one of the dogs to stop it attacking my dog, or even me. It is very unnerving.

These are dangerous dogs and barely under the control of their owner.

There is a house in the rural part of Fleet Hargate who has several dogs.

Every now and again, a handful of dogs escape their garden and attempt to attack any dogs walking in that vicinity.

One lady had to fight three of these dangerous dogs from attacking her elderly spaniel and the owner begged her not to report the dogs (or him) to the police as he had just had a visit from the RSPCA.

Do not hesitate to tell the police if your animal is attacked, or you yourself feel under threat from its lunges and snarls.

They should at least be muzzled or alternatively kept off the streets and the owners prosecuted for being incapable of controlling a dangerous animal.

Name and address supplied

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