LETTER: Profiting at our expense

I was quite interested to read of the three individuals’ views on UK’s membership of the EU (The Voice, June 4).

Coun Nick Worth states his ward is reliant on the food, flower and agricultural sector, which relies on cheap labour from the EU, and cheap labour his industries have.

So cheap that those on those low wages often have to claim benefits to pay their way.

And who pays those benefits? Why everybody else does through income tax.

In a nutshell, we the taxpayer are paying the wages of low paid employees, which their employers ought to be paying out of their profits.

In addition Nick also says many businesses are reliant on European funding, but surprise, surprise, that money doesn’t grow on trees, but is paid out of the expensive club membership that we all have to pay, £933 per year to be precise from each and every one of us. So businesses profit at our expense.

Nick’s views were also generally supported by Peter Bennett and Ian Canham.

I would suggest being a member of the European Union is beneficial for business owners, but detrimental to Mr and Mrs Average, who has to pay that £933 each year in a variety of taxes.

And to prove a point, my partner (over 50 years in the local flower industry) and myself have been buying floristry products from Europe, Kenya and Brazil in recent years.

All are delivered to the same high quality, well packed and on time, except we (through public taxes) have to pay a large fee to be members of the EU club, but are not members of a Kenyan or Brazilian club, and it’s quite obvious to me that industry will continue to buy and sell to all nations weather we are in or out of the EU club.

Peter Bird (UKIP)

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