LETTER: Post Office does care about customers and services

I am responding to Ms Woolard’s letter (April 27) regarding the recent move of Fleet Post Office. I would like to reassure readers that we did undertake a full public consultation and considered all comments received before making a decision to move Fleet Post Office to its new location. 
The Post Office understands how much people rely on its services and understand that when a branch moves location this can cause concern to customers. However, I would like to stress that we do not make these changes lightly and without giving a lot of consideration to the needs to the local community, including the long term sustainability of their local branch.

We are a commercial organisation, with a very strong social purpose, and we must reduce our reliance on taxpayers’ money. To do this we are partnering branches with retailers which can offer the best long term future for branches, and keep them within easy reach of the communities which rely on their services.
We operate in competitive markets and our customer needs are changing. This means we must adapt the way we offer our services.

The new branch offers customers a seven days a week service, allowing people to visit at a time which suits them best.  Whether they be visiting to withdraw cash, collect or return online shopping or pick up travel money.
The reader mentions the loss of local banking services, and the need for the Post Office to fill this breach. I’d like to stress that we understand how important these services are to people in the area. Through an agreement announced in January with all major high street banks, customers of the branch are able to undertake day to day banking services such as cash withdrawals, deposits and balance enquiries at the branch. Although, bill payments cannot be made by cheque at the branch, a cash payment facility is of course available.

We know how much people care about their local Post Office, and so do we. The owners of Chestnut Farm Shop are working very hard to offer a warm welcome to new customers, and hope they enjoy the facilities which include a tea room and shop selling local produce.

The move to the new location took place less than a month ago at the end of March. I do hope that the branch will prove to be a vital hub to the local community in its new location.
Suzanne Richardson
Post Office regional network manager

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