LETTER: Not racist posts on Spotted: Spalding, just concerned

Mr Bland’s claims that many posts to the Spotted: Spalding Facebook group are full of racism (Mail, April 27) are absolutely astounding.

I myself read this page most days and what one person classes as racist, others will class as expressing an honest opinion. Such as the many posts about street littering for instance, which Mr Bland seems to object to when people mention who the main offenders are seen to be.
In response to Mr Bland calling people weird on this group for gathering photograph evidence of people who have, for instance, been caught littering or caught in the act of public urination, then sharing it on social media: I do not find it weird. In fact, if there are any issues, then we need to be engaging with these people, and social media groups are a good way of showing what is not acceptable.

Photos can indeed be easier to understand than languages after all. Also, if there are no police to witness these issues, we have to show them in other ways the issues still happening. 
There has also been several people who have sent photos in and not, as Mr Bland claims, just the one. I conclude this, as these people have written below the said photos claiming they had taken it.

I guess that on knowing this, Mr Bland should be claiming that we have a town full or racists, or indeed – maybe just maybe – we have a town full of concerned local residents who feel not enough is being done to combat these anti-social issues?
Regarding the post which was accusing someone of stealing plants when indeed they were planting them is of course wrong, and totally upsetting for the people involved, especially after doing such a good deed.
But racism? Maybe I missed something that was said before it was supposedly deleted, but from what I have read on this page over time, you could say that there is an equal amount of posts that could have been deemed racist towards us English, if of course, we chose that to be our intended perception, just like Mr Bland has obviously chosen to do when making these claims. But then we ourselves don’t really feel the need to go into such hysteria, do we?

Mr R Garner

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