LETTER: Lottery scheme has had an effect

I recently received an anonymous letter, stating that it was personal to me and not for publication.

Despite this, the letter made certain statements that cannot go unchallenged, particularly as the writer also suggested that many other people they had spoken to, agreed with them.

Firstly, the young lady who was fortunate enough to win the last Green Bag Lottery £1,000 draw, having correctly completed a recycling quiz, was picked randomly from the previous quarter’s £100 monthly draw winners.

To suggest that she was selected because she was young and “photogenic” is frankly nonsense.

I am extremely disappointed that one of our residents should think anybody on South Holland District Council, be it officer, or councillor, would manipulate the draw in this way.

Every household can participate, all they need to do is recycle every week.

The letter writer also suggested that the incentive scheme, funded via a successful bid to central government, was having no effect.

Admittedly, we would like to see more people recycling, more often and there’s always room for improvement.

We have, however, seen an increase of over 180 tons since the scheme started and we are working hard to improve on this.

I do hope the letter writer has a chance to read this and will then get in touch with me again.

If they do, I would like to invite them to come and meet with the team working so hard to increase South Holland’s recycling.

Roger Gambba-Jones
Cabinet member for Refuse and Recycling
South Holland District Council

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