LETTER: Legion is looking for help

As chairman of the Spalding branch of the Royal British Legion, I have noted comments on the Remembrance Parade at Ayscoughfee Gardens in local media and welcome the opportunity to respond:

1. As chairman of the RBL, the Parade is both an RBL event as well as my responsibility.

2. Many of our members are a little older than they once were and, like many ex servicemen’s associations, we desperately need new members. As such we have been asking the public to come and join us to help the Legion as well as get involved in local activities and parades.

3. It is impossible for one person to undertake the running of a parade like this and whilst we are very grateful for all helpers (they know who they are) we are not infallible and like everyone else, we occasionally make mistakes and omissions for which I apologise.

4. We were fortunate this year to have been contacted this year by the Rainbows and Brownies who wanted to participate. As a result we made a few changes to accommodate them including giving them their own position next to the pond. We thank them for their input.

5. We took steps to ensure safe passage for the veterans to take up position on one side of the pond with the cadets on the opposite side.

6. The public address system is provided free of charge for this event and whilst there were indeed a couple of problems, the majority of the public did not appreciate this and, more importantly, timings on this very special event were in no way compromised.

7. I note the comments regarding the poor protocol with regard to the Union Flag and apologise and will ensure this does not happen again.

8. The issue of the memorial remaining dirty is noted but it should be appreciated that, as a listed monument, it requires specialist cleaning. The company concerned had been contacted and have advised that this will happen ‘in due course’. I agree this is not acceptable and discussions continue.

9. With regard to the wreath laying, our vice chairman – who usually undertakes this – was taken ill on the morning so we had to engage another person at the last moment who was unfamiliar with the task. This has now been addressed.

10. This year our Poppy Appeal organiser, Peter Lyon, was taken ill and has been unable to assist but we are very lucky that Cheryl and Anne stepped into the breach and I wish to thank them for their efforts as I do our secretary, Evelyn, who raised over £1000 on her own.

11. I would like to thank the Rotary Club of South Holland for their help and traffic control and also the Highways Agency for setting out the signs and barriers.

12. Finally for those who would like to join, we meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 35b, Spring Gardens at 1800hrs.

I would like to stress that the Royal British Legion remains extremely grateful for all the help and support from local people, businesses, supermarkets and shops over the year and embraces any feedback which will be used to good effect for next year.

Frank White
Spalding branch of the Royal British Legion

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