LETTER: Just a thought!

I refer to the article in the Voice (21.11.19) re: Project to create more woodland.

I find this article rather ironic in the light of what LCC and SHDC have already done to Spalding and propose to do in the very near future.

Let me put this in simple terms so our councillors can understand residents’ frustration.

There will be two ends of the SWRR to nowhere for maybe ten years plus, so thousands of tons of concrete for bridges and two roads that don’t even join in the middle. Therefore hundreds, if not thousands, of tons of Co2 emitted.

Four thousand proposed new homes, roughly produces 80 tons of Co2 for a two bed house being built. Totalling approx 320,00 tons of Co2.

To occupy these 4,000 homes, roughly produces 2.7 tons of Co2 per annum, totalling another 10,000 tons of Co2.

If you include these figures to the added traffic with the increasing jams, who knows how much extra Co2 this will produce?

Ah, I almost forgot the new power station. At a presentation for this a few years ago they stated the new section would produce between 25-50,000 tons of Co2 per annum (depending on demand) – their words.

So adding up the above combined, would produce approx 360,000 tons of Co2.

One acre of forest (approx ten years old) absorbs 2.5tons of Co2 per annum. Therefore, to absorb 360,000 tons of Co2 it would require planting up 144,000 acres of land just to offset this total after ten years of growth!

So, may I suggest that instead of councillors congratulating themselves and planting a few patches of land and then saying how well they have done, they should take a look at what they are or have done to our environment.

Maybe they should realise now they can’t rely on the Brazilian rainforest.

Hold on – I’ve got a better idea, why not stop building what we don’t need and homes which are not/won’t be selling.

Just a thought!

Kevin Davis
Miles Bank

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