LETTER: I need better information for GP practice choice

I am a patient of the former Pennygate Health Centre – now the Johnson GP Centre.

The 90 day consultation period regarding the long-term plans for GP practices in Spalding has started and part of this is an online survey.

Have you looked at the survey? I have found it very misleading.

There are five options to choose from:

Option 1: GP services to be delivered at Johnson Hospital, Spalding.

Option 2: GP services to be delivered on the west side of Spalding. Question: Where on the west side of Spalding are they proposing to have a GP Surgery?

Are they proposing to build one?

Option 3: The main GP services to be delivered at the Johnson Hospital with some services delivered on the west side of Spalding as a branch surgery.

Question: Again, where are they proposing to have this surgery and what services would be provided at a branch surgery and how many days/hours would it be open? Would there be a doctor there?

Option 4a: The patient list to be distributed and patients registered at the Johnson GP Centre to become registered patients at other GP practices in the local area.

Option 4b: The patient list distributed to other practices in the local area with a branch surgery on the west side of Spalding. Options 4a and 4b would affect patients at the other GP practices in Spalding,

Option 5: Asks for other suggestions for providing GP services on the west side of Spalding.

I will be completing the survey, but I need to be better informed to make the right choice. There are four further Public Meetings planned for October, November and December – you can telephone the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0300 123 9553 for details.

Tessa Chapman
West Spalding

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