LETTER: Brexit, then what?

Brexit, then what?

Are you working, but not earning enough money to pay your bills?

Are you a young person, unable to find work?

Do you have an EU national friend or relative, whose existence is threatened by his or her revocation of settled status?

Are you worried by the possible collapse of our NHS?

Are you annoyed at not being able to access education for free?

Do you find it wrong that our Conservative Parliamentary Candidate, John Hayes, has generally voted against equal gay rights; including the prohibition of homosexual doctrine in schools (Section 28); generally voted against a more proportional voting system, including being against an elected House of Lords and also voted against removing hereditary peers; generally voted against allowing local councils more powers; generally voted against a lower voting age; generally voted against measures preventing Climate Change; consistently voted for ending financial support for some 16-19 year olds in training and further education?

Labour is the only party to recognise the divisions brought rampant within our society. Labour understands that the only way to solve the problems of the UK is to rebuild Britain; bringing our NHS, education and railways back into public ownership.

The Conservatives have, throughout their tenure, decimated our communities and divided families. Indeed, the United Nations uncovered recently we have 14 million people living in poverty – we have 4.5 million children who (included in the 14 million) live in abject poverty; we have 2,000 foodbanks on a national level and 21,000 police officers have been cut from our streets. We have an ever-growing debt, and yet ordinary people were made to pay for the financial crash.

This General Election is a fight for our lives, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It cannot, and must not be about Brexit alone – this is a General Election, therefore, the domestic agenda must be heard. If elected, Labour will scrap the morally reprehensible Universal Credit; increase the minimum wage to £10 per hour and end tuition fees. Labour will also enact the Green New Deal, which will help to combat the Climate Breakdown and give the people the final say on Brexit.

Your Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate is Mark Popple. A man who lives here, has been to school here and works here.

A vote for Mark would be a vote against austerity; a vote for Mark would be a vote for a better local area. Vote Mark on December 12.

Nathan Murphy
Labour Party Member
Youth Officer

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