LETTER: Anyone else notice mistake?

Did anyone else notice the mistake by the SHDC spokesman in the report “Council left to clear up traveller’s car park mess”?

The spokesman said: “The area of car park occupied near the bus station is, to the best of our knowledge, not a pay and display car park, so no tickets were issued.”

Yes it is. It is a pay and display and also is for cars only, so the signs say. Presumably these signs were put there by SHDC!

When I queried this with SHDC all they could say was: “You are correct that the area of car park closest to the bus station is operated on a pay and display basis, but it would appear there has been some confusion around the other area of land which the travellers had occupied, which is not a formal car park at all.”

If an officer from the council had visited the area, like they said they did, then surely they should know where the travellers had parked and which was the pay and display car park. Another basic mistake by our wonderful council.

I also asked them why the travellers were not moved on from the Winfrey Avenue car park as it is for cars only and they were clearly breaking the law by siting their caravans there.

Of course I didn’t get a response to that question. Probably because they didn’t want to admit they messed up – again.

Why don’t we all try and park our caravans, trailers or trucks there? We would soon get a parking ticket.

One rule for the taxpayers and another for travellers.

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