Spalding Parish C of E Day School has launched a World of Work Programme aimed at raising aspirations and inspiring children in Key Stage Two.
It’s launch event began with a talk by deputy headteacher Emily Hill, who spoke about her education and career journey.
The children then worked in mixed age groups to embark of their ‘Apprenticeship Programme’.
They did an audit of their skills and took part in a series of activities to develop those skills.
The children visited a Careers Fair, attended by representatives from local businesses, engineers, entrepreneurs, volunteers, educationalists and a range of other professions.

Elsewhere, children had the chance to write a newspaper report, sell an item on TV, bandage their friends, write part of a novel, uncover local historical artefacts and learn about seed production and global industries.
Over the course of the year, children will visit a place of work, present their findings, build their own CV, further develop their ‘world of work skills’ and apply for a role within the school community.
Diane Mulley, headteacher, said: “We are excited about the programme and feel it will give the children an insight into the world of work at an early age, encouraging them to develop life-long skills to help them achieve excellence in later life.
“We are so grateful to all the businesses who took part and to those who have offered support over the coming months.”