An 11-year-old keen dancer and footballer has had her long locks chopped off for charity.
Isabelle Rogers, a Year Seven pupil at Spalding Academy, has donated 18 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust charity which provides wigs for children who may have lost their own due to an illness.

She had her hair cut last week by Kelly from It’s All About the Hair following the jazz class she takes at the Spalding School of Dance.
Isabelle, who lives in Spalding, has also been taking sponsorship from her fellow dancers and family and friends, and will split the money between the dance school and Little Princess Trust.
Active Isabelle also plays for Spalding United U13s and swims regularly.

Isabelle’s grandma, Mary Huett, said: “She’s thrilled to bits that she’s done this and that her hair is going to the charity. She’s never had it short before but it looks great and she’s already raised a fantastic amount of money.”