Improvements needed at Spalding care home

A Spalding care home which had no manager in place for more than six months has been told it ‘requires improvement’ by the Care Quality Commission.

Southernwood House was the subject of an unannounced visit by inspectors in May of this year.

The full report was published last week and shows that the home, on Matmore Gate, requires improvement in three of five key areas; safety, effectiveness and leadership. It was rated as good for caring and responsiveness.

The home looks after up to 28 people in one building. It cares for older people, some of whom have dementia, and younger people who need support.

The report said the service was not ‘consistently safe’ as there were enough staff, but at times people had to wait for care.

“The home was pleasantly decorated but did not fully support people living with dementia to be independent. Shared rooms did not support people’s privacy,” the report added.

Residents were offered a choice of food but recording fluid and food intake was not always accurate – one of the reasons for service effectiveness requiring improvement.

“Staff had received training and support which enabled them to provide safe care,” it said.

The service was described as caring and the dignity of residents was respected while information was kept both private and secure.

“People told us that the staff were kind, caring and treated them with respect,” said the inspector.

“We found that people had been supported to express their views and be actively involved in making decisions about their care and treatment as far as possible.

“People told us, and records confirmed, that they were offered the opportunity to pursue their hobbies and interests.”

But there needed to be improvements in care records and the lack of a manager at the time was also noted.

Staff were also still learning how to use a new computer system for care records and plans.

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