‘Home straight’ for Dishonoured filming

Filming of a Hollywood-style movie in and around Holbeach is entering the “home straight” after weeks of hard work by cast and crew.

With around ten weeks of filming left, it is hoped the Dishonoured film being put together by Holbeach Film Company, will be “in the can” by Christmas and will premiere at a red carpet event at the South Holland Centre, Spalding, on Tuesday, January 26.
Director Steph Genovese, who is behind the project, says filming it is now getting down to the nitty gritty as cast and crew prepare to create the movie’s action scenes.
He said: “The action scenes will take the longest to film as they are very complex and use special camera techniques as well as special effects and prosthetics to give the scenes some reall depth and quality.
“But so far the movie is going brilliantly.”
Steph and the team have become a familiar sight as they have filmed a number of scenes in and around Holbeach, including Carter’s Park.
Last Saturday night they took over an entire industrial estate to film a massive fight scene and on November 1 will be creating a large pub-based party scene using around 50 members of the public as extras.
Steph added: “That should be a brilliant scene.”
The Holbeach Film Company has also set up a training arm called F4A (Film for All), which provides a chance for anyone over 18 to learn from Dishonoured’s professional cast and crew how film and television is made.
Steph said: “We have acting lessons, camera operation lessons, script writing lessons, and make up/special fx for film and tv – all totally free, with the intention of all departments coming together after a few weeks to create and film a five-minute short movie.”
Spaces are still available for acting and script writing – anyone interested can find out more at Dishonoured’s page on Facebook.
The F4A team is already enjoying some success after entering the Colchester 60-hour film-making challenge and making it to the final 15 out of 400 entries.
Steph added: “We have beaten some very big and established film makers to get to the final 15, which is a massive boost to our small team of writers, actors and camera operators.
“We will hear on Saturday if we have won as all the finalists’ films will be shown on the big screen and the judges will make their decision there and then – so fingers crossed.”

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