Holbeach store caught selling alcohol to 16-year-old loses premises licence

Liudwal Store in High Street, Holbeach
Liudwal Store in High Street, Holbeach

A Holbeach shop has lost its premises licence after being caught selling alcohol to a minor.

The action was brought against Liudwal Store in High Street after a police operation with a 16-year-old volunteer. It was the third time the shop had been caught selling alcohol to someone under-age.

A hearing was held in front of the South Holland District Council licensing sub-committee on Tuesday (November 10).

Lincolnshire Police said: “After hearing all the evidence they agreed with the police that the premises had been undermining the licensing objectives by selling alcohol to children.

“Concerns were also raised as to the overall running of the premises. The committee stated they had no faith in the current management of the premises and felt that, under the circumstances, the most appropriate decision was to revoke the premises licence.”

Sgt Kim Enderby, from the alcohol licensing department, said: “Since 2012 this store has sold alcohol to children on three occasions and on two other occasions seizures of contraband tobacco have been made at the store.

“Throughout this period we attempted to work with the store to train and educate them to the dangers of underage sales. Despite this they have continued selling to children.”

Sgt Enderby said the decision to revoke the licence sent a clear deterrent message to all retailers not to sell alcohol to children.

“We do everything we can to promote and encourage lawful and responsible selling of alcohol,” he said. “Those premises that fail or refuse to do this will have action taken against them.

“For quite some time we had been receiving intelligence about this shop selling cigarettes and alcohol to children. I would encourage members of the public, who know of stores behaving in this way to contact the licensing department, their local police team or report anonymously through Crimestoppers.”

The revocation of the licence comes into effect if no appeal is submitted during a 21-day period.

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