Holbeach market in trial move to Boston Road car park

Holbeach market is on the move after centuries in High Street.

South Holland District Council is moving the stalls to Boston Road car park from January 7 for a trial period. It is hoped that the move will increase visitor footfall and attract new traders.

There is thought to have been a market and fair in the town since the 13th Century and until fairly recently, stalls were located in Church Street too.

The market – now often only three or four stalls – will continue to operate on Thursdays and Saturdays.

The move has been generally welcomed by Facebook commenters.

Erica Wicks said: “I actually think that it is a good idea. Let’s face it, most of us park in Tesco and it will keep the market all in one centralised place and might actually do the stall holders some good!”

Rex Pearson suggested it was due to the volume of traffic using High Street.

“The road becomes badly congested both during the set up and dismantling of stalls and couple that with the danger to pedestrians, I can see the reasoning,” he said.

Elaine Hurren warned of the possible effect the move away from High Street might have.

She said: “It will just take trade away from the smaller shops in the high street even more. Are your local council trying to kill the High Street shops totally? It will end up like other towns – all charity shops or empty shops.”

A district council spokesman said: “This proposal has been suggested to try to increase visitor footfall and allow customers to benefit from two hours free car parking that we offer there. It is hoped that new traders will be attracted, resulting in a wider range of products and that health and safety issues at the current site are addressed.

“Any comments should be emailed to [email protected] or directed to Customer Services.”

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