John Hayes is ready to defy the Prime Minister and vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.
The Tory South Holland and the Deepings MP – a well-documented Eurosceptic – will reinforce that stance in the referendum this summer.
His vote will be something of a conscience struggle for Mr Hayes, a fervent supporter of David Cameron to whom he has always been loyal.
But Mr Hayes – who turns 58 on the day of the June 23 poll – believes he must remain true to his conviction and vote against Mr Cameron’s desire for the UK to remain in the EU.
Some leading members of Conservative-controlled South Holland District Council have also signalled their intention to vote ‘leave’.

One who has changed his position recently is joint deputy leader Nick Worth. He was among 38 Lincolnshire county councillors who supported a motion last Friday that the UK would be better off outside the EU.
Last June he told The Voice: “Coming out of the European Union would be disastrous for businesses in South Holland, many of whom are also reliant on European funding, especially small businesses that make up a large part of South Holland’s economy, much of which comes through district and county councils, in itself providing many jobs in that sector.”

But on Tuesday, Coun Worth said: “The Prime Minister has not achieved the commitments set out in the Conservative manifesto, despite his best efforts, and, for me, to have an unelected EU Commission that will continue to produce law that has huge effects on all our lives and that we are unable to change without the majority support of other EU countries, along with a European Court that is totally unaccountable, is wrong. Law should be decided by politicians from our own country whom we directly elect.”
Fellow district council cabinet member Coun Gary Taylor will be voting ‘leave’ as he said it was a “once in a lifetime chance to vote to take control of our future”.

He added: “Over recent years it’s been proved that the EU is an undemocratic institution. I am opposed to the creation of a single European state and by voting to leave and taking control of our borders we can reinvest the £350million we spend a week on the EU, by improving our public services.”
Leader of the opposition Independent group, Coun Angela Newton, is for leaving too.
She said: “I think it will be a chance to be controllers of our own destiny rather than be told what we can’t do to make our country better.”
Joint deputy leader Malcolm Chandler, Roger Gambba-Jones, Peter Coupland and Anthony Casson all said they were undecided and although Christine Lawton has made up her mind, she declined to state her position publicly at this stage.
Council leader Gary Porter declined to state his position. As a peer, he is unable to vote in general elections but will be able to in the referendum.
Coun Porter is chairman of the Local Government Association and, until next month, chairman of the Conservative Councillors’ Association.

Meanwhile, Coun Paul Foyster – leader of the two-seat UKIP group on South Holland District Council – has emailed every district councillor asking them to join with the party, under the branding of one of the two main out groups, in campaigning for Brexit.
He added: “I have also stated UKIP’s intention, following the Conservative Lincs CC’s vote last Friday, that unless any other party does so, UKIP will seek to propose a motion at the March full council, along the lines that SHDC believes our residents’ interests will be best served by leaving the EU.”