Have your say on planned changes to Lincolnshire adult social care

Residents who require adult social care in Lincolnshire are being asked their views on possible changes.

The county council is encouraging people to have their say in a consultation about what people are asked to pay towards their non-residential care, before September 28.
The council is reviewing its non-residential Adult Care contributions policy to align it more closely with new national guidelines, including the Care Act.
The quickest and easiest way to share your views is by filling in a questionnaire on the council’s website at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk.
If you need alternative formats or would like to receive the consultation documents by post, call the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782486.
Proposed changes included are:
lMaking it clearer what happens to contributions from service users when care is cancelled
lMaking the date that contributions start the same for everyone
lSimplifying disability expenses by awarding them on a banded level for new customers
lFinancially assessing contributions against the full cost of care, and removing the weekly maximum charge for non-residential care and support services
lCharging a flat fee for arranging a care package for people who pay for their own care, where they request the council to do so
The council is holding events around the county to answer people’s questions and a rundown of frequently asked questions has been added to the council website.
Coun Patricia Bradwell, executive member for Adult Care, said: “If these proposals were introduced people on the lowest incomes would not see any changes to their contributions.
“People will continue to be financially assessed before they are asked to contribute towards their care. I want to reassure people that regardless of any proposed changes, if you are assessed as not having the finances to pay for your care, you will not be asked to do so.”
Glen Garrod, director of adult social services, said: “We are considering changes to make contributions fairer, while exploring opportunities to generate income to safeguard adult care services for the future, under growing budget pressures.
“We’re getting varied and interesting feedback at events around the county.
“If you come along to a meeting to ask questions, please make sure you fill in your consultation form and send it back so that we can consider all your views.
“You don’t have to be getting services from the county council to have your say on the proposals, anyone can take part.”

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